One True Mate_Shifter's Haven Page 2
Wade just stared at him. “We’ve been over this already Silas. So has Bruin. We need a liaison from the bearen and we need you on the team.” Silas sighed, dropping his head again. “I suppose so. Thank you.” He glanced around quickly, avoiding eye contact and gave a small wave. “It’s nice to meet all of you.”
Alex’s eyes narrowed, and he wasn’t the only one. He had worked with the bearen a time or two in LA and it generally hadn’t gone well. Slow to act and always getting in the way when they did. He had heard the bearen here were different, something about a new chief and a prophecy, but he was going to need to keep a close eye on this male.
Finally, Wade pointed to the male standing at the front next to him. He was older than Alex, but not nearly as old as Wade, appearing to be in his early forties. He had short brown hair, just past military length, and searching brown eyes. He was wearing a full set of tactical gear and combat boots, comfortably broken in like he wore them every day. He projected authority, and held himself with an inner strength and quiet intensity. Everything about the male signaled that he was a professional.
Wade continued. “This is Sergeant John Tessler, the commander of your new unit. He will be responsible for your training. He’s been a SWAT instructor and team leader here in Serenity for almost fifteen years now. He’s one of Serenity’s finest police officers, and I’m proud to say a good friend of mine. You males could not ask for a better leader.”
Tessler finished looking the new unit over. “Thank you Wade. Call me Sarge, like everyone else does. Gentlemen, this will be the hardest and most important thing you will ever do. We have a mission here and…”
The wail of a siren cut Sarge off and red lights flashed from the alarms fixed to the walls. Each of the males immediately jumped to their feet, except Merlin, who jerked back in his chair and grabbed his head with both hands like the alarm had been wired directly into his brain. He rocked back and forth, squeezing his eyes shut and gritting his teeth.
Wade went immediately to Merlin. He knelt in front of him and locked both hands around the male’s arms. Forcing them down, he stared intently into Merlin’s eyes until the male calmed enough to speak. “What is it? Khain? Where?” Merlin shuddered as he choked out the words, his eyes never leaving Wade’s. “Not Khain, but bad. Rex is going after Boe.”
Wade stood up. “I’m going to make some calls now. Sarge, get your team out there immediately. It’s going to be right into the fire for you.”
Ice ran through Alex’s veins. Now he knew why all the males here were so hard. There was no down time, no practice, nothing but high stakes. With no time and no training his team was being thrust into action against one of their deadliest enemies. He hoped they were up for it.
Sarge started pointing and barking orders.
“Eric, grab us a van. We’ll meet you in the back parking lot. Merlin, get it together, we’re moving out. The rest of you, follow me. We’ll brief and hand out badges and guns in the van while we’re moving.”
With that he burst out the door and raced off down the tunnel, with Alex and the others close on his heels.
Chapter Three
Alex gripped the headrest in front of him as tightly as he could. The passenger van roared down narrow country roads lined tightly with trees. There was no margin for error and no way a van meant to move like this, but there was no time so they were pushing the limits. Eric had a death grip on the wheel, but he was moving them faster than Alex would have believed possible. Being local had its advantages.
Sarge was in the front passenger seat, a cardboard box on the floor in front of him. Reaching down he grabbed a package from inside. He passed it back to Silas sitting directly behind him, taking up an entire bench. Surprisingly all six of the new unit fit into the van, but just barely. “Silas. Badge and gun.” The bearen started to protest but Sarge cut him off quickly. “I don’t want to hear it. No time. You’re on the team, and that means you are fully involved. I don’t care what Bruin did. Take it.” Sarge grabbed the next package and handed it back. “Wright. Badge and gun. Get them ready.”
Jason, sitting in the row in front of Alex took the package and handed it back to Alex with a wild grin. It almost looked like a snarl. “They promised me action, but even I didn’t think it would be this fast.”
Alex grimaced as he took the package. He was as up for a good fight as any male, but only a lunatic actually looked forward to fighting Rex. He ripped the package open. An official Serenity PD badge slid out into his hand. He clipped it onto his belt. Next came a police issue 9mm, two loaded magazines and a holster. From up front he heard Sarge call out.
“All right, listen up. We’re about two minutes out and we’re going in hot. We’ve been securing Boe at a safe house. For those of you who don’t know, he is a critical asset. We cannot let Rex kill him, or worse, deliver him back to Khain. Patrol onsite has reported hostiles, including a possible sighting of Rex. Based on those reports and Merlin’s feedback we’re not taking any chances. We’re going in locked and loaded.”
He turned back into the van and fixed the group with a stare, sitting steady even as the van jumped and leaped over the rough roads. Alex glanced at Merlin sitting next to him. The male looked a little pale, but steady. Jason, in front of him was bouncing with a nervous energy. Silas was calm but focused, eyes locked on Sarge. Eric’s gaze never left the road, and the van never slowed, but Alex could tell he was keyed in on Sarge. Nerves and anxiety subsided and pride took their place. Alex realized he was proud to be part of a group like this. He’d led a solid crew in LA, but these were tough males. He could already tell this group was special.
“Now, listen carefully. None of you have even been in a situation like this. No matter how much shit you’ve seen or done, or how many badass humans you’ve run down. Rex is a whole new level. We survive this and we handle him by working as a team. Do your job, follow the plan, follow orders and don’t pull any Hollywood shit. Understand? Then let me hear it.” He quickly glanced at each of the males as he put out the question.
“Yes, Sarge,” each of them echoed through the van. “Good. Then here’s the plan.”
Alex rolled his neck and shook his arms, loosening his muscles as he geared up for action. He felt his heart rate increasing and energy racing through his body. The last few seconds of waiting were always the worst. He was ready to get out of this van and get moving.
“Eric and I will immediately take the interior of the house, secure Boe and act as mobile command. Alex, Jason, reports say both of you have strong ruhi. Is that right?”
Alex responded immediately. “Yes, Sarge. I’m good.” Jason shook his head, almost frantically. “I can hear everything, but I’m not as good at getting back to you.”
“OK, it will have to be good enough. You two are on frontline patrol. Shift and cover the yard. We need to know as soon as anything comes out of those woods.”
Alex felt a thrill as Sarge continued. He was going to be on the front line. And completely free to act. Just let anything try and come through him in his wolven form. He would tear them apart. One glance at Jason and he could tell the other male was thinking the exact same thing.
“Merlin, you’re on the porch. You'll have two jobs. Link Alex and Jason with me and stand lookout. It’s a big wraparound so you’ll be able to cover the entire exterior. Silas, you’re with Merlin. You’re both backup for Jason and Alex if anything goes wrong or if any fighting gets too close to the house.”
Alex leaned forward to look out the windshield as the van skidded onto a driveway leading off the main road and accelerated down a long drive lined by trees on both sides. At the end of the drive he could see a small gray farmhouse, nicely kept, with a large wraparound porch. Fruit trees dotted the yard and were slowly dropping their leaves onto the manicured lawn. The woods were cleared all around the house and separated from the yard by a white split rail fence. A patrol car was parked at the end of the driveway next to the garage and Alex could just make out a uniformed of
ficer standing on the porch at the top of the steps, radio held to his mouth.
Sarge gave his last orders as they screeched to a halt at the end of the driveway, the van pulling to a stop next to the patrol car. “Remember, our priority is to secure Boe. Now get going.” He paused. “And stay safe.”
The doors of the van flew open as the wolven quickly pushed their way out. Alex swung the back door open and vaulted over the seat back into the driveway. He handed his gun back over the seat to Merlin then jogged a little past the others, facing the woods, and shifted.
Alex felt raw animal power coursing through him and his awareness centered on his body. As the change overtook him fur sprouted, racing over his back and limbs and his muscles and bones rippled and elongated, shifting smoothly as the Velcro ties on his clothes ripped apart, dropping free. He stood in place as a huge wolf, thick grey fur dappled with black and gold. Powerful muscles coiled under his skin, rippling beneath the thick fur. Huge golden eyes glowed, ready to hunt.
He shook himself vigorously, forcing off the aftermath of the change and settling into his wolven form. He lifted his nose to the wind, breathing deep to read his surroundings with his enhanced senses. Scents came to him along the light breeze. Traces of wolven lingered across the property, both fresh and faded. The scent of an old foxen blew strongly from the house, tinged with a hint of decay and a burnt edge of greasy smoke. A hint of smoke lingered at the outskirts of the property as well, drifting in from the woods. Something bad was lurking there.
But most of all, he took in the scent of his wolven teammates moving through the yard and into their positions.
Jason was closest to him, a sharp scent of honed steel over smoldering embers. The male had finished his transformation and was loping into the yard as a lean wolf with midnight black fur. The form suited him, tall and rangy and built for speed, but still equipped with long vicious fangs. Merlin was next, deep, complex and earthy, together with Silas, summer blackberries and wild honey, as they moved onto the porch to take up their positions. He could hear them talking quietly with the patrol cop. Farther along, and moving into the house already, he scented the opposing scents of Eric, the tang of fresh snow under a full winter moon, and Sarge, summer sun warming a towering oak tree.
Alex glanced at Jason racing out into the yard already and started forward in a light trot but accelerating into a powerful loping pace, moving past the porch and around the house towards the distant white fence line. He could feel his muscles moving powerfully under him, propelling him forwards towards their enemies, towards battle.
As he raced off he lifted his muzzle and howled, announcing their presence to their enemies. Wolven are here. He heard Jason’s voice echoing in his head. Let’s show these bastards who they are messing with.
Jason, with Alex trailing behind him, quickly circled the house. The long backyard was cleared to the tree line where the woods met the white split rail fence, over a hundred yards distant. The woods closed in on all sides, dark and thick. Anything could be hiding in there and they would never see it, even in wolven form.
As they ran Alex pushed his thoughts out toward Merlin, letting the ruhi flow from his mind. Nothing so far. Something has been in those woods though. Merlin immediately came back. Sarge and Eric have Boe secure. Stay sharp though, patrol thinks they saw Rex moving through the woods back there, so whatever you’re scenting could still be there. Alex let out a deep growl and heard an echo from Jason. Good, the other male was could hear Merlin as well.
Merlin continued. Sarge called in backup. They’re on their way but we’re on our own for at least a few more minutes.
Jason snarled, cutting Merlin off with a vicious growl. Alex jerked his head up towards Jason. He saw Jason stopped dead, staring into the woods, as Alex drew up beside him. Alex looked past him to scan the fence line. He immediately saw the source of Jason’s rage. Standing just inside the woods, hands casually resting on the top rail of the fence, was a monstrous beast.
Even from a hundred yards away Alex could tell it was at least eight feet tall. It had coarse lumpy muscles crammed onto bones too skinny and stuffed into reddish wiry fur, like a sick cross between a bear and a buffalo. Huge tusks jutted up from a bulging jaw and wide mouth. Beady red eyes burned as they stared at the wolven.
With his focus locked on the beast, Alex head Merlin distantly shouting in the back of his head. That’s Rex. Hold tight. Stay between him and the house!
But Jason was already moving, lean black body extended into a full sprint straight for Rex. His teeth were bared in fury and he was primed to kill. Shit. Ignoring Merlin, Alex threw himself forward as fast as his legs would take him. Orders were out the window. No way could Alex leave Jason to take on Rex alone.
He heard Sarge and Merlin both in his head, Wright! Strom! Get back. Do not take him on! But it was too late for thinking now; too late to stop. He accelerated, and his powerful strides ate up the ground between them and Rex. The wind ripped past his nose, burning it with the putrid scent of greasy, black smoke. He howled again in direct challenge, staring at Rex, who smashed his fist against his chest and glared back with flaring red eyes.
Ten feet from the fence Jason split to the right and Alex veered left. Without slowing, they leaped over the fence and spun to attack Rex from both sides. As they cleared the fence Rex threw his head back and roared a challenge at them. But as they closed to attack he disappeared in a puff of black smoke, leaving behind nothing but a vile burning smell. Alex realized Sarge was still screaming from far off in the back of his mind. He can teleport! Do not engage. Get back to the house!
Alex skidded to a stop, nearly crashing into Jason. Shit. But Sarge’s faint voice was interrupted by another roar from inside the woods. Alex turned and saw Rex snarling at them from a small clearing deeper in the woods. Without hesitating Jason charged after him, a black blur moving through the trees. Alex was right behind.
As they reached the clearing Rex bared his teeth and stalked towards them with razor sharp claws extended. Jason raced at Rex, feinting left then cutting hard to the right at the last second, teeth bared in an attempt to rip out the beast’s throat. Fast as Jason was though, Rex moved with him. The beast grabbed Jason with both hands, digging his claws into the wolven’s shoulders as he leapt, pivoting and using the momentum to launch Jason into a huge tree. Alex heard the sickening crunch as Jason’s back and side smashed into the trunk. Jason stayed down.
As Rex finished the throw Alex smashed into him. He needed to take this beast out before it had a chance to do any more damage. It might finish him with one blow, just like Jason. He sank his teeth into Rex’s back and shoulder as he drove the beast backwards with the force of his attack. Rex screamed as Alex dug his fangs farther in, searching for the beast’s neck and throat, ripping through the coarse fur to the soft flesh beneath. Blood flowed over the beast’s chest, matting the fur there and dripping down onto the leaves on the forest floor.
Rex jerked back with a scream, pivoting and facing Alex, letting Alex’s teeth rip through the side of his neck and into his chest as he twisted. Alex surged forward, blood under his fangs driving him forward, determined to tear out the beast’s throat.
Then a bolt of lightning seared through his body, pain firing every nerve as Rex smashed a huge fist into Alex’s chest, driving it through him. Alex’s jaw snapped shut as he flew back, ripping a last chuck of flesh from the beast. He staggered back, desperately attempting to keep his feet. But he could barely breath, his breath coming shallow and ragged as pain radiated from his chest. That bastard must have broken his ribs.
Rex bared his tusks in a gruesome grin and slowly stalked towards Alex, blood dripping down his torso and trailing behind him. His head sagging as he staggered back, Alex could see Jason drag himself up from the tree and begin slowly stalk towards Rex. The black wolf was limping badly, but his yellow eyes glowed with rage and his teeth were bared. This male was not giving up on the fight. If Alex coul
d just hold on, maybe there was still a chance they could still take Rex.
Alex summoned up all his courage and all his fury. He forced his head up and bared his teeth. He stopped backing away and stood tall, facing the beast. Rex might be strong, but he wasn’t going to let Jason fight alone.
As Rex stalked towards him, Alex circled to the left to force Rex to keep his back to Jason. Rex drew closer, almost ready to leap at him. Jason was still stalking, but too far back. The male was not going to reach them in time. Alex steeled himself for a rush from the beast, when a savage roar ripped through the clearing and a massive Kodiak brown bear smashed through the brush ringing the clearing. Holy shit thought Alex. Silas.
The bear was almost double the size of Rex, at least twelve feet tall and two thousand pounds, with giant paws and a gaping mouth of razor sharp teeth. It could probably take a man’s head with a single bite. The bear barreled towards Rex on all fours as both wolven and the beast desperately scrambled to get out of its path.